Butterfly Messenger, Bee Hive, & Guineas

Last Saturday, I was walking and a butterfly landed on the stump in front of me. I stopped and looked, and the butterfly just looked at me, too. Then, sensing there was more, I put my finger in front of the butterfly and he, to my surprise and happiness, stepped onto it. :-) I picked up the butterfly gently... He stayed for a bit, but then, flew away.

Just afterwards, baby girl, my cat, and I went to visit a bee hive that we recently found. It is a new one, just starting up. Here is a photo of the bee hive from around the time we first found it. Notice what looks like a golden face on the right side. It reminds me of an ancient one from the Aztecs or Maya. Yesterday morning, it was more pronounced in the sunrise. :)

We then went to our usual place by the duck pond. A small creek where the baby fish spawn and grow. Near there, the trees are in various phases of growth and there are many baby trees. It is quite wild, for being in the city. That day, I saw something extra... A small animal was darting around in the undergrowth. At first, I thought it was a bunny, as they live here, too, but not in this park, specifically. But then, I heard a little squeal and "oinks" and knew it was a guinea pig. And another one, too. Calico colored. I ran to get a friend to help out. Together, we brought back a carrier to gather them up.

We saw a third, smaller guinea, who was being eaten by flies and was very skinny. We gathered him first, giving him food. He came willingly, knowing we were there to help. The others were more challenging to pick up. The first one was running around a tree, near their hide-out. Eventually, we got him to run into the carrier. The second one was a squiggly fellow. I caught him with my bare hands, miraculously. We brought them back and got them settled temporarily, with some carrots and other veggies to eat.

The smallest one was eating and walking, so we had high hopes that he would get his strength back. However, in the night, he died. He was just too weak. He had laid on my chest, near my neck. He was about half the size of the others. Here is a picture of the two brothers next to their house (upturned). :)

The next day, we gathered some guinea pig supplies and food, building a temporary home for them. They are settled now, for the time being. My friend and I are looking for homes for them. The only guinea pig rescue here in Texas is no longer accepting pigs. If anyone wants two lovely, friendly squealy friends, let me know. They are little darlings. I love them, but cannot keep them, sadly.

Today, something extra special happened... The same butterfly came to me as I was meditating on the Grandfather Tree. Then, as I was looking at the sunset, he came again, fluttering towards my neck where the littlest guinea pig had laid its head. I think that the butterfly was saying hi and thank you from the guinea pig.
