Away from home

Sometimes, it is frustrating being overseas. Away from my friends, family and cat. However, I am relieved that there is a general consensus, as to foreign affairs issues, between me and (most) Dutch I have met (this does not mean that we have bridged the cultural divide completely). Being at this great distance from my overseas home, I feel more comfort in expressing myself (maybe there is no one close enough to criticize me?). Back home, some people had chosen to label me liberal (why do we need labels?), but I consider myself merely informed. However, here in Holland, I am automatically labelled a conservative(maybe I am conservative in some ways, but not all). It is just a matter of perspective.

When I lived in the cooler climes of my homeland, I had been surrounded by thinking people who investigated issues, from more than one perspective, using more than one valid source and over a longer period of time, and decided for themselves what they believed. While there are enlightened, progressive souls in the warmer regions who realize how important civil rights are, they are a bit more difficult to find. When you do find them, you will probably see an A.C.L.U. sign in the lobby. The A.C.L.U. is not a popular organization, in most eyes. However, they fight to protect American civil rights. Everyone's rights.

The A.C.L.U. fight to protect American scholars and others' against illegal wiretapping was not supported by all of the citizens, as not everyone understood the important rights at risk in the battle. Some citizens still do not understand why it is important to keep in tact the protections given to us by the founding fathers. Those citizens think that violations are necessary in order to protect this country's security, and their homes and lives. Well, they have been lied to.

America cannot give up its rights overnight, based on blind trust. Laws must be followed, even by those who think they are exempt from the laws. No one is above the law.

The founding fathers and patriots who died for this country and the rights we have now would be disappointed to see what America today is on the brink of becoming. What is the point of being a free country, if we are no longer free, in our thoughts and actions? By giving up our civil rights, under the guise of counter-terrorism, we are saying, in essence, the terrorists have won the day. What kind of America is that? Not the kind that our founding fathers died for.
