Modern Hobo

maybe i am a modern hobo. someone said i am a hobo today. i cried. it sounded so terrible. i thought to myself, "i am not a hobo. i have just been in a foreign country, made new friends, loved, been alive. what is hobo about that? i may not have much money, but i have experienced a new culture, a new language. it has been worth it. a good experience...fodder for a novel. no matter that it was heartbreaking."
but, then i thought about it more. remember frank sinatra's song about a lady who likes to be free and have fresh air in her face? a lady not tied down to one place. rooted. we all want to be free. in ourselves, in our bodies. humans, even though we try to be civilized and reasonable, we need freedom. we need to get away, every now and then, whether it is a physical, mental, emotional, through art, music, love, coffee. whatever we like. but, then we come back to our life. our roots. even if our roots are overseas. as much as we like to forget, even me, we all have our hearts and those keep us tied and rooted to the people we love, wherever we are in the world.
Note: The photograph above is not mine. However, it is called "The Modern Gypsy Hobo" and was taken by Benprks of I could not resist it. Thank you, Benprks for sharing your photograph via Creative Commons Search.
