Pineal Crystals and Awakening the Crystal Children

Thank you to Minoru for bringing these two articles to my attention... :)

Steve Rother and the group have told many times about crystal and crystalline including human body.
In the following two parts, they took illustrations including what science said, what is all about our body's becoming crystalline and when it is happening in the article of "Pineal Crystal" (Jul. 2009) and “Awakenng the Crystal Children”(Oct. 2002).
I think one of most interesting and important parts to me is the mechanism about changing process of carbon into silicon. The keyword is "Biomineralization", which is referred to here by Steve Weiner PhD in Israel :"Biomineralization", indeed there are some as the group said. And diamond would not be easily burned than carbon in the heat and it means why more of light could enter into our body simultaneously as we evolve, Vicky Anderson said. We would not be burned by light!

Steve said in the introduction in the first one:

The second important point they covered was the Pineal Crystals forming in humans as part of the re-wire process and what that can mean to all of us. The group has been talking for years about humans becoming crystalline, and this is the first solid evidence that it is happening in humans. In fact, medical science has even coined a word for it now: “Biomineralization.” Now that you all have an image of rock people walking around, let me say that the group explains that once activated this can be a physical step toward what can result in new forms of telepathic communication, time travel, multidimensional awareness and controlling the physical ageing process. Basically, it is the next step in our evolution. Ready?

After Steve, the group said :

Pineal Crystals

There are events taking place right now as the physical body re-wires, especially in the brain. The physical body is evolving and one of those changes is taking place in the pineal gland, although is not limited to that one location. Crystals are forming in the pineal gland; these are crystalline structures that you call calcite crystals which are forming in the brains of humans everywhere. Pineal Gland. These crystals can be tuned to receive electromagnetic frequencies. You have communicated with each other through electromagnetic frequencies (radio waves) that travel through your body. Without even hampering you many electromagnetic frequencies are running through all of your physical bodies right now, yet you are unaware of them. That will now change. In the beginning, you may become hyper-aware which can also be problematic. The idea is to bring it into your comfort zone to activate yourself. This is not a race, dear ones. Please take your time and do not push your bodies too fast because they can only take so much. Yet you will do it, and do it well.

The crystals that have formed in your brain have been there for some time. The reality is that you started a second wave of empowerment about 60 years ago, and at the same time these crystals started to form. These crystals have been lying dormant in your body waiting to be activated. Medical science is now starting to see them and you can actually look at pictures of these crystals forming in the pineal gland. They are problematic according to medical science, because they are causing difficulties and challenges with the human physiological structure. You believe that it is something that you have done wrong. We tell you it is a natural part of your evolution and incredibly exciting, because now you can see. You have talked about internal communication and telepathy, you have even practiced it. Even though most know it to be real, it has always been just out of reach for most but no longer. How can you activate the crystals and use them to your highest purpose? And more importantly, how do you tune it to just one station at a time? That is the challenge that many of you will start working with as you activate these crystals. Crystals are living; the Earth is living. She is a sentient being, very conscious. And if crystals are the highest vibrational level of the mineral kingdom, you could easily say that in planet Earth the crystals are the brain. In fact, the crystals are the pineal gland of planet Earth. The crystals that you are most familiar with are the highest vibrational level of the mineral kingdom. It is the reason many of you talk to crystals, receive messages from crystals, or hold records within crystals. You have the highest vibrational range of the animal kingdom the same way crystals have the highest of the mineral kingdom.

Humans are becoming Crystal

You have heard about the Crystal Children and the Indigo Children that come in with telepathic communications already built in. They do not know how to use it, but they have an internal communication that with a little bit of work they can fine-tune and use. You have that, too. That is the formation of these crystals. Learning to use these crystals and how to adaptsto them will have a very interesting effect on humanity. We tell you, it is not just the human kingdom we are talking about because if you look at the cellular structure of plant life, you will see that more and more of plant life is becoming crystalline in nature. You are starting to see plants and animals take on characteristics of crystalline energy that has never happened before on this planet. This is part of your natural evolution; you are becoming crystal.

It is not a difficult shift. If you would see one of your periodic charts, you would know that the carbon-based structures you currently have and the silicon structure are actually only a few molecules away. With a few re-arrangements, you have a shift from one to another. That is happening not only throughout all of Earth, but also the plant , insect and animal kingdoms are taking on crystalline structures. The interesting part is that there will come a time when you will not need the physical crystals and they will start dissolving. These are temporary situations for you, but you are right at the point where they are beginning to form.

There have been calcium deposits on the pineal glands of most humans. You have a lot of reasons for these deposits. Your science believes it has to do with fluoride in your water. At the beginning of cell phone use on your planet, there was evidence of tumors forming and a lot of discussion. We tell you that was very real, yet it never really materialized to become the big problem that was expected. It was the pineal gland that was vulnerable to a new frequency being held too close, but that has already changed. Because of the mass appeal of cell phones, the human body adapted and learned to tune out that singular frequency. You are starting to adapt in many ways. That adaptation was out of survival and at an unconscious level. Now you will learn to tune it in a conscious level. You will be able to communicate not only with yourselves, but with the rest of Earth. You will be able to have conversations through a crystal. There are many ways that you are going to start to activate this, but the physical evidence is now showing up on this planet. This is happening with throughout all of humanity, with old and young alike.

Below is "Awakening the Crystal Children ~ Becoming crystalline" Oct.2002. Interesting part is that it takes more than 50 years for us to become crystalline, they said that crystal children is a kind of link between present human and future light body.

Greetings from Home,
Many of you have felt the recent shift of energy. Like a breath of fresh air, the energy has recently reset. You may feel a relief in the air as you prepare to move forward on your paths. This energetic shift will continue and be complete early next year. This is an evolutionary step to integrating the crystal energy. Have you ever wondered why you have such attraction to crystals? It is no co-incidence as the crystals themselves have been communicating with you on an energetic level for hundreds of years. More than that, your own evolution is changing your own biology to a crystalline form. That is the reason crystals call to you so. In fact, we tell you that all of what you call nature and all things upon Earth are now in the process of shifting to crystalline form. You are beginning to discover these changes as you find that most of the Earth is crystalline in nature. You are currently carbon based beings. Yet, we tell you that the base of the carbon atom is only a slight shift to a silicon atom which is the crystal element. Even your own scientific periodic tables show only a slight difference between the two. The effect of Earth's pressure on carbon is what causes the evolution of that material into the crystals you know to be diamonds. From our perspective, we are watching as you, and all around you, turn into the most beautiful diamonds. We are honored to be even a small part of this process.

A History of the Information

You will soon begin to see the effects of the Children of Crystal Vibration as the scouts who are carrying some of the advanced attributes are now making themselves known. The process of OverLight will allow those of you already here to raise your vibrational bodies to the higher attributes of the Crystal Children. This process will stretch over the next 50 years or more and will help you to carry more of the crystalline form in your biology. Light interacts with crystal in very unusual ways. As a result, you love to watch light dance within the facets of a diamond. It is this same interaction with light on your crystalline form that will bring the higher attributes of humanity to the Earth. We are watching this development with the greatest expectation.

Several years ago we presented information on the return of the Children of Crystal Vibration. At that time humanity was only beginning to embrace the concept of evolutionary children entering with higher attributes. At the origin of the messages we spoke of the Crystal Children returning, carrying a new vibration that would appear to have magical abilities compared to present day human attributes. At that time we described these children as the next stage of human evolution, embodying an important link between the physical bubbles of biology that you now inhabit, and your ultimate return to what you now call 'lightbody'. The Crystal Children have two primary attributes. Firstly, they are extremely powerful, with abilities that you would often see as magical. Secondly, they are extremely vulnerable with exceptional sensitivity to lower vibrational energies.

Much to the dismay of those of you searching for details, we described their attributes to you in somewhat vague terms. This indistinctness was intentional as we foresaw a potential problem associated with introducing this information. One of the lower vibrational human characteristics that you often wrestle with is that of spiritual competition. Since spiritual competition is a lower vibrational concept based on the illusion of polarity, it can be challenging to the Children of Crystal Vibration as they enter. Therefore, we simply planted seeds in the beginning. Now, however, the need for information about your own evolution outweighs any potential challenges. The last several months have brought a new energy shift to all of humanity and the attributes of the Crystal Children now need further definition.(Copyright©
