One Old Tree Speaks Out

One day, I was just minding my own business. Something was not quite right. Being 50 years old, sometimes the branches get creaky and sometimes, they even break. I am not as flexible as I used to be. Well, I was just sitting there, tending to my usual daily tasks, sending out good vibrations to the visitors and friends and guarding the park. I heard a wheel barrow on the path, bumping over some rocks and leaves, saw a flash of red. Hmm. A red wheel barrow. Nice color. A kid down the street used to have a little red wagon, but that was years ago. Normally, when I have a visitor I try to be friendly and this was not different. Well, mostly.

I felt something odd. One of my branches was a bit achy. Hmm. I am old, but this was not a normal feeling. Looking down, I could see one my branches was being put into the wheel barrow. And another. Pretty soon, I was missing three branches. When is this going to stop. Being a tree, I cannot really do much. Then, it stopped suddenly. The wheel barrow is full. This went on for three days. By the time, I was missing 6 branches and 3 of my children were chopped down. This was the worst part. I am only writing this because it was upsetting.

I know you humans need furniture, but it would help if you recycle a bit. That is, just buy one good set of furniture and keep it. You can always re-cover it. Buy antiques. You don't always have to buy new things... Why not give life to old things instead?

In the case of this tree chopper, it was being done illegally, and he was punished because this is private land. I am a part of that. It is strange to think, but I guess I am property because I am attached to someone's land. I thought I was just a part of Gaia.

Humans have a funny set-up. I hope it is going to change soon, as it does not make much sense to me. But I am just an old tree and don't know much. 
