What is a Twin Flame?

When I first woke,

I had the sun in my face
It was lovely
I saw colours green blue gold.

It is no longer raining
There is some sun
and wind.

It looks to be quite a beautiful day.

I will walk to the beach
And bring my proper camera
If i can.

It was a long journey that brought
Me to where I am now.
But I am really glad.

Have you heard of the term twin flame?
It is very interesting 💙💙💙

I will share a bit about it.
When a soul is born, it comes in two halves
Then, it splits up
Each half experiencing different things.

The earth school is very interesting
and challenging for souls.
So many things are happening here
So we are here for a reason.


The twin souls help each other
In their lives.

One twin will be incarnated
While the other is in between lives
The one who is in the spirit form
Helps the one who is incarnated.

Then, they switch.

This goes on for many lives.

Until the last life,
When they incarnate together.

It is in this life
Where they finally meet
and connect.

Usually it is to do something important.

This is their last life.
Afterwards, it is nirvana.


Everything in life
Happens for a reason.
We are in this world to so much
More than we know.

Every exchange,
each step
is a part of a divine

A painting, a story that is
being created
In divine time.

Darlene Michelle McPeek
Copyright July 2017
All Rights Reserved.
