Duvel Beer: Where to Find it in Fort Worth, Texas

If you are Dutch, or just someone who likes good beer, you may ask yourself an important question when you are overseas visiting Fort Worth, Texas. That is, where is the Duvel? The best tasting beer. To me, it is the best, anyway, and I do not even like beer, being a red wine drinker. Usually, French reds are the ones for me. (With the recent, albeit predictable, NY Times buzz about red wine being a youth serum or sorts, this makes it even more tempting. Other happy news for those who like to socialize in the pub or otherwise? Yes, socializing does appear to help delay memory loss, a new study shows).

Well, my friend from Holland was here recently, and we had this same dilemma pop up. We had found Duvel at The Flying Saucer last Fall, but the price was a bit high, compared to the pubs back home in Noordwijk aan Zee. Also, it is a bit stuffy in the place, except for the nights that Big Mike is singing. This time, however, we got lucky on the way out of the back parking lot of the Fort Worth Botanic Gardens and happened upon a small, cozy English-style pub, Ye Olde Bull & Bush. There you can meet the locals, who are surprisingly well-traveled and knowledgeable of world events, notwithstanding the talk about the Vietnam War. The owner of the pub appeared to be of British descent and was very friendly, as were all of his bartenders. Yes, we did go more than once. Hence, the knowledge of his staff.

Photo by clappstarr of flickr.
