Seeing the Loveliness that Surrounds Us

The Sunday before last, I was watering my chive plant and heard a buzzing sound. Looking down, I saw a locust upside down in my planter. Placing my hand next to the locust, he crawled right side up again, choosing a crystal rock to rest upon while his wings dried. Here is the photo of him doing just that.  

Last Saturday, I misplaced my white quartz crystal. It is a special one that has various colors of lights inside it, in the way of a rainbow. The day that I misplaced it, I was meditating outside... I heard a crash and loud bump on my table. Looking towards the table, I saw my friend from the week before. He had landed on the crystal rocks on my table, and was sitting upside down. Again, putting my hand out, I helped him to right himself on the rock. He was resting in the sunshine. I said to him, "You can be my crystal today." Then, I let the locust crawl on my hand and brought him over to my meditation spot to have a closer look at him.

In the sunshine of the morning, the locust's wings sparkled with pink. On its back, there were sparkles of pink, yellow and green. Its head and legs were antique gold. On its forehead, there were sparkles of white. I realized that we are surrounded with loveliness, if we would only look. 

I had never before seen sparkles on a locust in the sunshine. But, perhaps I had never taken the time to look closely at this gift of nature. The appearance of a locust, which is a type of grasshopper, in our lives can symbolize many things. 


  • A grasshopper's appearance indicates a time in which we will experience great leaps of happiness. It teaches us to trust our inner voice and to act upon it. The grasshopper can be an enlightening messenger of ingenuity, resourcefulness, joy and honor.
    Grasshoppers were thought to be fertility symbols, specifically, omens of the birth of a son. The grasshopper also symbolizes prosperity, wisdom and a leap of faith.

Cultural Beliefs

  • The locust, a type of grasshopper, became the object of many cults and spells in ancient Egypt. It also appears in hieroglyphic texts.
    In ancient Greece, the grasshopper is symbolic of tremendous leaps of faith, jumps in progress and consistent forward momentum.
    In China, grasshoppers were kept as family pets. It was believed that grasshoppers embodied the personalities of deceased family members.
    The grasshopper is considered a good luck symbol in Japanese culture.

Native American Medicine

  • Native Americans' animal medicine practice is the belief in healing and growth that occurs by the spiritual lessons embodied in a specific animal. If you had grasshopper medicine, it would lead you to make a leap of faith toward something or someone and to trust your inner voice. Grasshoppers only jump forward, not backward or sideways. Therefore, grasshopper tells you not to look to the past, only toward the future."

"Grasshoppers/Locusts medicine includes jumping across space and time, astral travel, new leaps forward/leaps of faith/jumping without knowing where you will land, leaping over obstacles, ability to change careers quickly." 

Here is a picture of the locust up close in the plant resting, after I was through meditating. Later, he flew away. I hope to see him again soon.  

