Angel Child 1946

I recall reading an old children's picture book of my sister's, called Angel Child, originally published in 1946, in which there was a story of a little girl whose mom who was in the hospital having a baby. During this time, the little girl was at home, in the garden. There was a rain shower and she saw a little angel fall of the cloud where he and the other angels were waiting for their moms and dads to be ready for them. He had landed in a tree and his wings were wet, so he could not fly. So, the little girl helped the angel to dry his wings. Not too long afterwards, the little angel flew back to his cloud.

Later, to her surprise, when she saw her little brother, it was Angel Child! But, this time, he was a human child rather than an angel, as his wings were gone. ... (babies are angels, but we cannot see their wings). :-)
