A Spring Bouquet of Healing Flowers

Plants have always been the primary source of healing tonics for mankind.  The ancient day Shaman inherited a wealth of knowledge about plants and their medicinal uses from his fore fathers.  Like so many important links with nature that modern man lost along the path of "progress" we are returning to a deeper appreciation of the power of plants.  As we increase our understanding of the holistic, irreducible nature of the universe and all living systems, it is indisputable that plant life functions on many sophisticated and subtle levels.

Plants are sentient beings.  Plants demonstrate consciousness; they feel and move; they constantly respond to the surrounding environment. Sensitive experiments dating from the 1920’s showed that plants possess a nervous system.  Polygraphs have demonstrated that plants respond to human thought and speech.  These “simpler” forms posses a life force and this has important implications for us.  Plants and people share in the divinity of the grand design of nature.

One of the most famous and respected names associated with the unique use of plants in healing is Dr. Edward Bach of England (1886 - 1936).  Edward Bach discovered that certain flowering plants are able to alleviate human emotional and physical problems.  Bach learned to extract the essence or vibratory imprint from particular flowers and to transfer this energy imprint into pure water - which is then ingested orally or placed sublingually.  These nonmaterial essences function as vibrational medicine - healing energy.  The flower essenceswork on the multidimensional mind-body-spirit being.  Each healing flower offers unique benefits to an individual. 

With the coming of spring all living things celebrate rebirth and renewal.  The seasons mirror the cycles of life; spring is the most optimistic with tender new shoots sprouting forth.  The beauty of nature is everywhere.  The crowning achievement of this season is the multitude of flowers that bloom.  Consider exploring a special bouquet of healing flowers for your soul's renewal.

A Spring Bouquet of Healing Flowers:

  • Mimulus               - Bravery
  • Agrimony             - Honesty
  • Clematis              - Reality
  • Impatiens             - Timely
  • Scleranthus        - Balance

The flower essences work to balance, unblock and harmonize the various subtle and fine energy systems of the body-mind-spirit being.  They are gentle but effective in helping a willing person bring about change and heal himself.

For those who suffer from anxiety or excessive worry the Mimulus is known as the "Bravery Flower". The Mimulus helps  those with fears of illness, pain, accidents, poverty, loneliness and misfortunes.  People struggling to master their fears often quietly bear their dread; this flower offers relief. 

For people who are restless, tormented by life and hide behind false good cheer theAgrimony flower essence offers assistance.  Agrimony helps release the soul's capacity for honestly and positive confrontation. 

For those who live in a dreamy, not-fully-awake and alert state, the Clematis flower is the remedy.  The Clematis is the reality flower essence.  Clematis energy helps us live more interesting fulfilled lives!

Impatiens flower essence relates to the soul's qualities of patience and gentleness. Impatiens energy relieves haste and impatience dissolving the associated negative inner tension and irritability.

For those who have excessive difficulty in making decisions and vacillate constantly, theScleranthus flower gives inner balance and peace.  Scleranthus energy builds equilibrium and decisiveness.

A unique and exciting development has surfaced in recent years that allows the direct application of the flower essences through sound frequencies - bypassing the physical flower altogether.  In this novel approach, the same marvelous benefits that many have long enjoyed via the traditional water borne flower essences, can be quickly and effectively bestowed through sound.

Pioneers such as Sharry Edwards and Dr. Royal Rife spent their lives studying, measuring and deriving vibrational energies for healing.  Eventually, Sound Healers were able to identify exact and apply wavelengths of sound to address specific ailments.  As with other vibrational healing it appears the effect works holistically providing benefit to the spirit and the mind of the person helping one heal himself.  There are emotional benefits that are inseparable from the overall healing process.  At the deepest level everything (and everyone) is energy and energy heals most directly!

The author's work has endeavored to extend the  benefits of the vibrational flower essenceseven further.  She has composed complete "Healing Flower Music" (Symphonies) that employ the sound frequency equivalent of the associated soul flower.  The flower frequency is embedded in a complex musical composition.  The listener receives the flower essence energy from its frequency and much more. The Flower Symphonies are multidimensional musical compositions that begin by first expressing the negative emotion; listening to the negative aspect offers a sense of catharsis to loosen and clear emotional blockages. People can be so overwhelmed by negative energies that they cannot receive positive energies until the clear emotional baggage is cleared.

The flower symphony then plunges into the positive emotional transformation.  This positive movement uplifts the listener and together with the accompanying flower frequency provides intense emotional transformation and healing.  The experience offered by the combination of the healing flower essence together with the musical encounter present in the symphony can produce a powerful, healing state impacting physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.

In closing, the benefits of the Healing Flower Essences have been widely utilized by people since ancient times to gain a gentle emotional lift or helpful resolution.  There now exists a total vibrational energy path to the same blessings - listening to the frequency equivalent of the desired Flower.    

The transformation of sentient plant energy to pure vibrational energy (both available for uplifting the human spirit) is yet another manifestation that all living entities and all energies are one in the grand design.  For our part we need to care for and preserve nature; enjoy the bounty of a simple wildflower to help fill your deepest emotional needs.

Negative emotions…

Fears of everyday life, dread, feelings of misfortune, darkness

Mimulus: The Bravery Flower

Takes us from Fear of the World to Trust in the World

False cheerfulness, worry, restlessness

Agrimony: The Honesty Flower

Takes us from Pretended Harmony to Inner Peace

Drowsy, dreamy, lacking interest in life, not happy with the present-ever looking forward

Clematis: The Reality Flower

Takes us from escaping Reality to Living in reality

Hasty, impatient, always rushing, pushing to get things done

Impatiens: The Time Flower

Takes us from Impatience to Patience
Vacillating, aimless, difficulty in deciding between possibilities, indecisive, lacking balance
Scleranthus: The Balance Flower
Takes us from Inner Conflict to Inner Equilibrium

Table I: Healing Flowers and associated Emotions/Benefits[1]

Barnard, Julian. Bach Flower Remedies: Form and Function, Lindisfarne Books: Great Barrington, MA, 2002.
Mattson, Jill. Ancient Sounds ~ Modern Healing, Wings of Light: Oil City, PA., 2008.
Scheffer, Mechthild. Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy, Healing Arts Press: Rochester, Vermont, 2001.

[1]Scheffer. Mechthild. Encyclopedia of Bach Flower Therapy, Healing Arts Press: Rochester, Vermont, 2001.
