Toad Animal Totem

Two nights ago, I was walking outside and saw a small toad. A very young one. He was just hopping by, 
as I crossed. I sort of coaxed him to hop onto the green space, as he was in a dangerous situation, where 
he had been. Off he hopped, and off I went back home. The below information is what I have found on 
the toad, as a animals totem. I am happy that I saw him, as things are going so much better this year. 
The little toad is another sign of this same thing! :) Hugs to you, dear little friend, on your adventures... 

Inner Strength, Luck
The appearance of a Toad heralds a successful time of drawing upon
and using our inner resources.
Toads are associated with money and luck –
especially changing your luck from bad to good.
People with a Toad totem can see things and people more clearly. 
A Toad heralds the need for self-examination.
Ask these questions:
Am I hesitating to act and missing opportunities?
Am I allowing fear to hinder progress?
Have I forgotten my inner strength?
A Toad totem is a representation of the Moon, and represents both Life and Death.
In alchemy, the Toad signifies the dark side of Nature.
In the ancient cultures of Mexico, the Toad symbolized the Earth. 
