

Minty blue water energy is in my high heart,
across my chest,
and inside my shoulders.

And I feel mint where the wings on an angel would be;
An especially healing place for the heart.

I receive energy coming up into my feet chakras
The flow of energy travels up my body to my heart.

At the same time, a strong flow of energy enters
through my crown chakra
at the top of my head.
This healing energy
Floods into my body.

The two energies
Meet in my heart center and collide,
Intermingling and joining my upper
And lower chakra energy bodies.

It is a miraculous healing experience!

At the time,
I ask, "Am I being initiated?"
I feel a "Yes."

I remember and relive an earlier time...

It is wintertime, a few years ago.
I am at a Satori lecture, listening to a phenomenal healer & intuitive.
Her name is Ashtara White.
I raise my hand up and ask,
"Was the experience I had with bees this year an initiation?"
She cocks her head asked her guides and replies,
"... your initiation will come in a year or two."

This enters to my mind.
I say, "Thank you"
And smile to myself.

The minty blue energy
Is going directly to my heart
I feel it moving
In and out
Like a tube of blue light, pulsating,
Infusing my heart with healing & joy.

It is so very blissful!

It is a sacred healing I am receiving
Really wonderful.

After the spontaneous healing took place,
I feel so relaxed and happy
I fall to sleep
Next to Gabrielle
Who is curled up
In her blanket.

I dream an amazing
I wake up
I remember

In the dream,
I am offered and
To upgrade to the next
Spiritual level.

It is an important

It is a ceremony
To memorialize
My initiation
I accepted consciously
Years ago.

Now is the time.

This year,
It is coming to pass.

So amazing.

I am unsure what it all means.

But I know I have an important role
To play in helping others
On the planet to heal.

I read a book by Amora Quan Yin
About awakening the divine Ka.

In it,
I read a portion of it in which Amora speaks of the different dimensional aspects of the self.

Here is a bit of background:

We have 12 dimensional selves, who exist in different forms and levels. Such as in the devic realm, for example, I might have a aspect of my self who is a Hamadryad or, tree sprite.

While I reading Amora's book, she mentions a higher dimensional self who is a planetary deva. In that situation, the deva and her divine masculine counterpart live inside a planet where they connect and love one another in a cosmic way. (This is amazing, I feel).

Amora tells how their love results in joy, which rises to the surface of the planet. The people on the surface of the planet feel this joy and, in turn, it gives them joy. This helps to raise the vibration.

In her book, Amora mentions that part of her earth training is to learn how to do this, as in a next life consciousness, she will live it.

As I read this, I feel it is speaking to me, particularly.

I share this with a trusted friend and intuitive who confirms, "Yes, you are in training, as well."

The story continues...
