We Awake in the Dreaming (Revised)

We Awake in the Dreaming (Revised)

We awake in the dreaming.
Again, at sea.
This time, on the back of a seagull.
Flying over the shore.
It crashes and breaks against white rocks.

We land on the sand.
Bare toes,
Holding hands,
We watch the waves,
And feel the water as it brushes past and through us.

We lay on the sand,
On the edge of the bubbling foam,
Feeling it as the water ebbs and flows,

Where does it go?
Where has it been?
What has it seen?
What stories could it tell!
This, no one knows.
It is the water's great secret.

Deep and silent.
But so full,
Everything we need,
Washes it all away.

We are clear,

The sea gull just looks at us from his roost.
We smile at each other,
Knowing soon we will return to our bed.
The sun's rays touching our faces,
A new day is born.

Revised: 18 September 2017

Darlene Michelle McPeek
Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem Master Teacher
Copyright September 2017.
All Rights Reserved.
