Bridging the Earth and Sky

Photography by Ingrid Adamsen, 2017. 

(Zoom detail) Photography by Ingrid Adamsen, 2017. 


Interpretation of a photo: "If it were my" picture of the sunrise. 

My first insight is a young goat jumping over the sun. The sun is my solar plexus.  

The baby goat has a special meaning for me, which is that he is bridging my Heaven and Earth. "If it were my photo,"I am lying down and the baby goat is jumping over my solar plexus. He is helping me to have the courage to give birth to my new creations. This goat is of the sun.

Underneath me is my shadow self. It is connected from the waist down, but disconnected in the upper body. The goat is assisting my bridging the lower and upper bodies, which symbolize my Heaven and Earth.

The successful bridging will mean I have overcome the dualism and have merged with my higher self while inside my earth body. It could be a higher level of connection, as there is a spiral we are all travelling on. 

From above, is an old man, looking up towards the heavens, saying "the time has come." He has both hands on his face, his mouth open in an "ohhh"....

A small cotton tail rabbit is looking on, as well as a dragon witnessing the event. A white fox looking directly at the audience, while yet another man of indeterminate age, is reclining in an arm chair at the back, looking away. He is set apart.

What do you see? "If it were your" photo? IIWM_?

The IIWM_? format is a part of the Lightning Dream Game, which was created by Ross Moss, my dream teacher. 

Feel free to share your IIWM_? and any comments and inspirations below! 

Have a lovely day,  my friends. 

Seal Swiming. Xx 
