Cute pink crab on the beach

We were on the Fisherman's Beach on Friday evening. It was 76f, so lovely!  The tide was low, in the main beach, so I was able to see the coral uncovered all along it. There was a shallow pool of water I was drawn to. In it, a cute pink crab was swimming, walking. 

It is two years since we found this lovely paradise. Two years ago, Friday, we first viewed Maran~atha. After, we walked on the beach and saw a cute pink crab. It was a special sign. I have been wanting to see a crab, and we did! It was a sign that we are in the right place.

Much love, everyone. May you find the place where you belong in this world. Good health, abundance, joy, love and peace to you all in 2018. 💫🌝🐦💘
